Shostakovich: Quartet #11, Opus 122 in f minor | Quartet RouletteQuartet Roulette  site iconDmitri Shostakovich

Shostakovich: Quartet #11, Opus 122 in f minor

Completed in 1966, the year he turned 60.  Dedicated to Vasily Shirinsky, second violinist of the Beethoven Quartet, who died on August 16 of the previous year. Read more on wikipedia.

IIntroduction: Andantino
IIScherzo: Allegretto
IIIRecitative: Adagio
IVEtude: Allegro
VHumoresque: Allegro
VIElegy: Adagio
VIIFinale: Moderato

See other quartets by Shostakovich.